

MI Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Jul 16, 2001
This Miners football team is the college football equivalent of a chain being only as strong as it's weakest link.

This FBS team is only as strong as it's weakest FCS coach and players. We are a weak FCS team wearing FBS uniforms. This is pathetic.

I'm not advocating for a coaching change after one year but it would not hurt my feelings if we brought in a real FBS level coach with one year to build before we join the MWC.
Coach Walden wanted to install a fast-paced offense. Apparently, this means the offense gets off the field as quickly as possible. No running the clock, no picking up first downs, no keeping your defense and the other team's offense off the field and for God's sake, no putting points on the board. If this is his intention, he is successful. This deep into the season and the offense is still totally useless. Just another UTEP football season. I'm starting to look forward to basketball.
I love how we throw a one yard pass on 3rd and 5 and then a 4 yard pass on 3rd and 10. Horrible play calling and decision making. Not a good combo
Patience is key, guys. Just take a look at Texas State. Their FCS coach took over a team with a stellar 27% winning percentage. Right in line with Dimel’s 28%. And look at them now. Sure, he won a bowl game in his first year and has a winning record this season, but they still struggle against powerhouses like Sam Houston State. So, let’s just keep doing what we always do, be patient. The results will show up eventually... right?
Patience is key, guys. Just take a look at Texas State. Their FCS coach took over a team with a stellar 27% winning percentage. Right in line with Dimel’s 28%. And look at them now. Sure, he won a bowl game in his first year and has a winning record this season, but they still struggle against powerhouses like Sam Houston State. So, let’s just keep doing what we always do, be patient. The results will show up eventually... right?
Most UTEP fans don’t want to win at Baylor or win bowl games though. They just want to go to the Sun Bowl and continue to pay higher prices for the same product the last 20 years. Anyone who doesn’t enjoy losing isn’t a real fan!!!
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Most UTEP fans don’t want to win at Baylor or win bowl games though. They just want to go to the Sun Bowl and continue to pay higher prices for the same product the last 20 years. Anyone who doesn’t enjoy losing isn’t a real fan!!!
You can’t expect those kind of achievements in year 1 or 2. That’s more like a year 5 or 6 kind of thing.
senter is 0-4 hiring bb and fb coaches, utep can’t afford another terrible hire, fresh blood with new ideas is sorely needed
He’s definitely 0-2. If Bronzeing doesn’t have at least a NIT caliber team this year, he will be 0-3. Too early to call Sucky Walden a loss, but it’s not looking good at this point.
Unfortunately Senter probably bought himself one more year with the MWC invite falling in his lap. That might give him enough time to hire our next basketball coach.
OK so we are 0-5. I expected to be 2-3 at this juncture. At worst 1-4.

Walden is our coach. He’s not going anywhere. We can bitch and moan on here all we want, that's what this board is for. I'd rather be 0-5 with Walden than to have hung onto Dimel and still be waiting for him to turn the corner. Team regressed; all you can hope for now is that they get better week by week.
Having turned around several companies in my lifetime, I can tell you that the calling for change in coaching staff is way too premature at this juncture. Give him 3 years and if there's no significant progress in that amount of time, then it's time to closely evaluate the staff. Until then, calls for change is like yelling into Carlsbad Caverns.

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Having turned around several companies in my lifetime, I can tell you that the calling for change in coaching staff is way too premature at this juncture. Give him 3 years and if there's no significant progress in that amount of time, then it's time to closely evaluate the staff. Until then, calls for change is like yelling into Carlsbad Caverns.

100% spot on. However, Scotty's offense calling was a joke. SHSU players were literally standing next to UTEP players waiting to tackle them. The defense just tuckered out.....again but that D line is tough for 3 quarters. I knew Cade was capable but Scotty is not the right coach for this young man.

Let's stop sloganeering and start scoring TDs!
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Having turned around several companies in my lifetime, I can tell you that the calling for change in coaching staff is way too premature at this juncture. Give him 3 years and if there's no significant progress in that amount of time, then it's time to closely evaluate the staff. Until then, calls for change is like yelling into Carlsbad Caverns.

I agree with the fact that you can’t go through constant regime change and expect stability. BUT with that being said should we not expect Walden and his staff to adapt and evolve in order to make this work? Kugler and Dimel were so headstrong in their philosophies and their refusal to adapt and change that we could have given them 10 years and nothing would have improved. Once this season is done Walden needs to take a long hard look at not only his players, but his staff, play calling and philosophies and see what he needs to change because if he wants to stick to his guns and thrown 3 yard screens next year then we know how this will end.
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Walden isn't doing anything different than he was doing last year...other than having a lack of on field success. It's not that I like his style of offense and play calling, however the problem has got to be the amount of FCS level players that he brought over to FBS level football. He doesn't have the horses to execute at this level. There is a reason most of them started out at an FCS school. More than anything, this is a talent problem...and that's what it looked like to me last night.

I will add, SW's lack of adjusting his play calling is also problematic. I just don't think he had to adjust the last couple years and therefore he isn't prepared to. Kinda like a one trick pony.
Coach Walden wanted to install a fast-paced offense. Apparently, this means the offense gets off the field as quickly as possible. No running the clock, no picking up first downs, no keeping your defense and the other team's offense off the field and for God's sake, no putting points on the board. If this is his intention, he is successful. This deep into the season and the offense is still totally useless. Just another UTEP football season. I'm starting to look forward to basketball.
You really expect basketball to be better ?
watched the game and I am sad. Talent level isn't good enough. Dimel at least had some FBS talent level and Scotty decided to run off some good players and started his players. It would seem to suggest that the run and gun offense is not going work with group of offensive line players, because they don't block either for the pass or run, plus his offensive has become very predictable. We all knew what play was coming next. Walden has to accept his AP players at this level are just not smart enough, fast enough and tough enough.
Lets see if he revamps the offensive line and changes the pace of the offensive play calling. Just too many mistakes, drop passes and run plays that the line cant seem to block.
worst lost for the year.
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I guess the one saving grace for him is his recruiting class has been highly rated. If he can get everyone to campus then we should have something to look forward to next year.
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I can't believe I am saying this but it seems Senter actually has learned something and is trying something new.

Safe bet, good ol' ball coach hire, didn't work.
Young, hungry, upstart, gamble of a coach, looks like its not working.
Good recruiter at a similar university, coach that should have worked but left for greener pastures.
Young, hungry, upstart coach, can't get anyone to come play at UTEP should now be on the hot seat.

To top it all off, UTEP doesn't have the budget to get whomever might be the best choice available. At least it seems Senter is not making the same hiring mistakes.
At this glacier pace of learning we will find a good coach eventually...and then a power conference school will just swoop in an take them.

SW driving away the talent that Dimel left is concerning. One of the biggest tell tale signs of a good coach is their ability to adapt to the players they have available. Either he couldn't convince the players to buy in on his vision, or he is a "my way or the highway" coach.
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Having turned around several companies in my lifetime, I can tell you that the calling for change in coaching staff is way too premature at this juncture. Give him 3 years and if there's no significant progress in that amount of time, then it's time to closely evaluate the staff. Until then, calls for change is like yelling into Carlsbad Caverns.

at least the caverns produces a cool echo when yelling inside….yelling at UTEP AD, coaches, admin the last 30-40 years has yielded poor results
Dimel also inherited a Kugler team... Dimel left the cubboard halfway decent, but ol Scotty decided it was best to bring in 'FCS" talent!
I was all for Dimel getting fired!!! With that said if he stayed one more year and bought back most of the players and brought some FBS transfer in we’re 2-3 right now and probably go 5-7/6-6 and then look for a better coach next year after knowing we’re going to the MWC and probably get a more proven and more expensive guy. I love Walden’s energy, but this team has not delivered in half of what he promised. If we were losing 45-35, 42-35, 38-31 type games I’d feel better. This team is sloppy, drops passes and makes too many mental mistakes and penalties. That’s a huge concern. For me to have any faith in Walden next year, we need to win at least 3 games. That’s going have to come out of one of these 5 games to get em, Kennesaw St. 60%, FIU 50% La Tech 25%, M. Tennessee 40% NMSU 40%
Give Senter one brownie point for hiring a hot up and coming lower division coach to bring energy to the program. But now, the reality has set in that even at UTEP and CUSA, the speed and strength of the players is on another level. It does appear that Walden has over emphasized his AP players. But Walden has to realize that you recruit the type of athlete you want and coach to the type in front of you. This is a big fat heavy slow ship that he is trying to change the course of. It will take time. But we all hope we see that change of direction before the season is over. Some kind of improvement. I think we can all agree that the defense is a lot better than the offense, though that isn't saying much. They are spending way too much time on the field to win games. As to looking forward to basketball, yes, I am looking forward to it. This should be the season we start enjoying good Miner basketball again. If we don't see it this year, now we should complain loudly. Go Miners.
Give Senter one brownie point for hiring a hot up and coming lower division coach to bring energy to the program. But now, the reality has set in that even at UTEP and CUSA, the speed and strength of the players is on another level. It does appear that Walden has over emphasized his AP players. But Walden has to realize that you recruit the type of athlete you want and coach to the type in front of you. This is a big fat heavy slow ship that he is trying to change the course of. It will take time. But we all hope we see that change of direction before the season is over. Some kind of improvement. I think we can all agree that the defense is a lot better than the offense, though that isn't saying much. They are spending way too much time on the field to win games. As to looking forward to basketball, yes, I am looking forward to it. This should be the season we start enjoying good Miner basketball again. If we don't see it this year, now we should complain loudly. Go Miners.
Scotty's feet are held to the fire just as much as any 1st year UTEP basketball coach. I do agree some, not all, of his AP players were ready for the jump but then again this topic has been publicized by former FCS to FBS coaches for years.


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