One shooting is way too many but this graph is a little deceptive in that the vast majority in this spike is one incident: Las Vegas:
Here are the top 10 worst shootings in US history:
1 Las Vegas shooting 2017 58 (plus 1
perp.) 851 (422 from gunfire) Semi-automatic rifles and revolver
2 Orlando nightclub shooting 2016 49 (plus 1 perp.) 53 Semi-automatic rifle and pistol
3 Virginia Tech shooting 2007 32 (plus 1 perp.) 23 (17 from gunfire) Semi-automatic pistols
4 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting 2012 27 (plus 1 perp.) 2 Semi-automatic rifle and pistol
5 Sutherland Springs church shooting 2017 26 (plus 1 perp.)
[fn 1] 20 Semi-automatic rifle
6 Luby's shooting 1991 23 (plus 1 perp.) 27 Semi-automatic pistols
7 El Paso shooting 2019 22 24 Semi-automatic rifle
8 San Ysidro McDonald's massacre 1984 21 (plus 1 perp.) 19 Semi-automatic carbine, pistols, and shotgun
9 Stoneman Douglas High School shooting 2018 17 17 Semi-automatic rifle
10 University of Texas tower shooting 1966 16 (plus 1 perp. plus 1 victim who died in 2001
[fn 1] 31 Rifles, revolver, pistols, and shotgun
Studies also show that the frequency rate tripled between 2011 and 2015. In 2015 we hit about one mass shooting per day in this country (mainly domestic violence). As of August 9, 2019 we have had 251 mass shootings in 216 days (mainly domestic violence).
Also according to the conservative New York Times: "According to The New York Times, the majority of perpetrators they have published stories about are white males who act alone.
[40] According to most analyses and studies however, the proportion of mass shooters in the United States who are white is not considerably greater than the proportion of white people in the
general population of the US.
I have said this before and I'll say it again, this isn't a Trump or racist problem as much as America has been losing it's sense of right and wrong for decades now. We are losing our soul.