Thank God...


MI Miner Maniac
Jul 7, 2003
Thank God RPI Rankings don't mean much this early in the season. However if Utep can win these two games in the tourney it'll sure help. Utep is currently ranked #337 with the weak schedule and S.Illinois is #28 with CSU being in the top 10!
Yeah, they really are meaningless right now.

CSU is actually #25 and SIU #53, but Florida A&M being #41 should tell you everything you need to know about this early point in the season.
Yeah, they really are meaningless right now.

CSU is actually #25 and SIU #53, but Florida A&M being #41 should tell you everything you need to know about this early point in the season.
That's why I say it's not as imordant right now, cause the RPIs aren't even on the same page. The ESPN one you reference is different than the NCAA and other one I referenced. Either way two wins in the tourney will help utep and UT Arlington looks like it would now be a quality win.
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Realistically, unless we go 30-2, RPI isn't going to mean very much the entire season. Due to the weakness of the OOC schedule and the general crapitude of CUSA this season, all that is going to matter is three days in March in Birmingham (for anyone in CUSA),.
I disagree.... rpi changes from year to year...CSU could be a top 50 win at the end of the year and SIU, UT Arlington, NMSU aND UC Irvine could be top 100 wins OOC. Now I do agree the CUSA hasn't had a great start with UAB losing and ODU losing multiple games, but if Utep stacks up OOC wins let's say 11-1 and goes 14-2 in conference and loses in finals I'll like our chances at 27-4 for an at large. However there's alot of basketball to be played so at this point we just need good wins and no bad losses
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I disagree.... rpi changes from year to year...CSU could be a top 50 win at the end of the year and SIU, UT Arlington, NMSU aND UC Irvine could be top 100 wins OOC. Now I do agree the CUSA hasn't had a great start with UAB losing and ODU losing multiple games, but if Utep stacks up OOC wins let's say 11-1 and goes 14-2 in conference and loses in finals I'll like our chances at 27-4 for an at large. However there's alot of basketball to be played so at this point we just need good wins and no bad losses

Exactly. Just like ODU last year that made a huge leap after OOC quality wins before the holiday break. A couple very late out of conferences losses kept them out of the dance when many thought they would get an at large birth.
Exactly. Just like ODU last year that made a huge leap after OOC quality wins before the holiday break. A couple very late out of conferences losses kept them out of the dance when many thought they would get an at large birth.
They were the first team out and that's cause they lost 5 games in conference and 2nd round of tourney

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