Utep Now +2.5 Dogs

I'm not. Two not so good teams playing at the Sun Bowl doesn't exactly wake up gamblers. UTSA is reeling bad right now. Kugler can punch them in the face with his new passing gem, Metz, or he can play his vanilla, throw the ball laterally and hope for the best offense. Coker is begging the fans not give up on them, but stupid bone headed plays and a critical safety cost the game against CSU and which pretty much sums up their season as of Monday morning.
They will be inspired to play the Miners. The utsa fans are talking smack as usual and think they will have their way with UTEP. These teams are evenly matched and it will come down to which team executes better and makes fewer mistakes.
This is UTSA's super bowl. The hate and vitriol they have for UTEP is ten times worse than than the combined hate the Lobos and Aggies have for us. They will be jacked. To their fan base this is the most important game on their schedule.
Are u being sarcastic lol

Not at all. I dont really understand the hatered, but they hate us. They hate us more than any other school does no doubt. The rivalry with the Lobos is almost dead and the rivalry with the aggies has been cooling steadily for about fifteen years. I think the UTSA fans were shocked last year how well we travel and then we killled them on the field and drowned out their fans in their house. Ive never seen one of their fans say something complimentary about UTEP. When they established a football program Texas State was going to be their defacto rival. I think they hate us more than Texas State. This was always probably going to be a lost season for them rebuilding. They have circled this game since last year. The game has alot of ramifications recruiting wise. Someone last week said they were glad Kugler understood the NMSU rivalry. I hope he understands UTSA hates us and they will be jacked up and leave it on the field. Someone last week said they would rather lose to NMSU than UTSA I agree with that.
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Well I guess they need somebody to have a rival with so whatever. They haven't been around long enough to hate one team. I do think UTSA has the potential to pass Utep due to the location and recruiting ground, but they are a second thought even in SA compared to Texas. Let's beat their Ass again and make them learn their place at the kiddie table!
This is UTSA's super bowl. The hate and vitriol they have for UTEP is ten times worse than than the combined hate the Lobos and Aggies have for us. They will be jacked. To their fan base this is the most important game on their schedule.

Coker rebuilds and moves on. He's another Schnellenberger without the cheap suit. IMO, Coker has done all he can at UTSA, but for whatever reason he stays. Why I bring this up or even care is beyond me? I need a donut.....
I hope we make it 2-0 against San Antonio schools this weekend.

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