Miners have non-winning CUSA record 5 of last 6 seasons

Miners are currently 5-10, at best they could be .500 if they win 5 in a row. Now that you have stopped laughing; UTEP has 1 above .500 CUSA record, THE LAST 6 YEARS!

2018 6-12
2019 3-15
2020 8-10
2021 8-8
2022 11-7
2023 5-10

Not only that, attendance is dropping too. I looked at mid-February Thursday home games since 2018. There are no comparable games in 2021 or 2022. When Floyd was hired and before that, UTEP would get 8,000 minimum for EVERY game. Now, we’re down at least 50% of that.

2/22/18 vs LaTech 5,386
2/7/19 vs FAU 4,646
2/13/20 vs WKU 4,504
Yesterday vs UAB 3,619

This program is on the verge of sub 3,000 fans for most games unless things change.

Always trying to help UTEP Athletics

2 things UTEP can do to improve basketball:

1) Have the Border Chorders sing the National Anthem 3-5 times per season (not even sure they exist anymore)?

2) Get High School or College students to wipe down the sweat/water off the court. We get 10 year olds - who's Dad owns a company who donates $$ - who are daydreaming or have no idea what is happening. Watching the game, Weston took a spill and the kid comes out and wipes like 5 feet away from where he was laying, the ref had to point where to wipe. Then a spill near the bench and he's off in the tunnel somewhere as they are trying to wave him over, so Golding has to get a towel and then wipe, and the kid comes out later unaware he's the reason there's a game stoppage of a D-1 game.
I'm sure he's a good kid, not blasting him personally, but for years we get kids who walk out during time outs and just wander aimlessly pushing a broomstick and dont recognize the whole purpose of them being there is to help prevent some 6-5 2215 pound college player from blowing out a knee from slipping on perspiration.

MBB - Early projections for who leaves.

*Givance - exhausted eligibility
*McKinney - no longer with team
*Zachery - can’t imagine him coming back
*Big Ham - Z and Kalu seem to be the future
*Sibley - just doesn’t seem to fit in

**Hardy - wouldn’t be surprised if he left as a grad transfer

I think we lose anywhere from 5-7 scholarship players. Those above are my best bets. Golding has got to recruit wisely. Next year might make or break him.


A few weeks ago, there was some poster that some of you claimed was me. It was not.

This other Denver person is not me either. That’s nice that some of you think of me so much, but I chose to step away for a bit and will continue to do so.

To recap, I did not get banned. I am not any new poster that may pop up. I check the posts every week or so. I think I read that I was waiting for Golding to fail and eat some kind of crow? Umm, okay. What some of you morons refuse to realize and accept, is that I want UTEP to win. Mostly important games.

See ya in the summer. Hopefully no other new members decide to post here and get accused of being me. Not banned and won’t ever be.
