I actually have no idea what to make of Louisiana Tech this season.

You: "Seems to me when you and I went to the UTSA game about 4 years ago, you had quit a while before that for your new-ish job."

I don't care either. I'm just trying to explain to you that he's a liar. But, unfortunately, you're not grasping that.
Thanks for your concern and attempt to set things straight for me. Much appreciated.
I'm a liar for quitting then smoking again later on in my life. I thought it was called addiction and relapsing but nope. It's called being a liar.
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I'm a liar for quitting then smoking again later on in my life. I thought it was called addiction and relapsing but nope. It's called being a liar.

So when was the last time you smoked? When did you get stopped? If you don't know, just say you don't know and I won't ask you again.
Haha. Good try. World of difference between our reasons for a change in handles.

Also, I’ve never tried to hide the fact. In fact I’ve come in and explained the change.

Again, good try. Have yourself a fantastic day, Bob!

Got it. So it's ok for only you to have multiple handles.

Have fun Trevor! Take care.
Boy, me too!

You’re definitely all class, just as you claim. Adios, Denver. Adios.

Well people have been fired for less!

I am classy. I don't do drugs like your "friends" or laugh at people getting murdered like your other "friend" commenting on here.

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