UTEP bye week so went to TCU/OKS Game

Haven't been to a game at the Sun Bowl in awhile, but remember some really great atmospheres. The Texas Tech, Fresno St. and Rice games really stand out in my memory. Moral of the story is that this Big 12 match up was fun and exciting. However I'd say the energy in the Sun Bowl with 40+ thousand and a good UTEP team beats it! I can only hope UTEP and El Paso get a chance to get back to those days, because as Miner fans we are some loyal SOB's!

Way To Early Football Predictions

Well until we get some news about incoming transfers and recruits for Utep Basketball. We might as well talk about Utep Football after Spring Ball wrapped up.

1. QB Set barring injury
2. RB Set barring injuries
3. WR ??????? Will Smith slap around corner backs like Cowing did last year? (Some Pun intended)
4. O-Line Set barring injuries
5. TE- ???? Hasn't really been featured too much since Dimel arrived.

1. D- line Best in Conference
2. LB Steady
3. Secondary some holes to fill, but has potential
Coaching: Stayed in tact for the most part. This team finished hungry for more after a close loss to a strong Fresno St. team Our defense will be top 30 once again and if Hardison can make smarter decisions, this team could win 8+

Prediction 8-4 6-2 in conference

It's nice to go into a season with high hopes and possibly a team that can live up to it! 2 bowls in a row hasn't happened in awhile, I believe it does next year!!!

Sleeping Giant?

So the Sleeping Giant phrase has been thrown around lately when it comes to Utep Football. I can see that referring to Basketball, but idk if Football was ever awake lol. I like the positive attitude though and the rhetoric coming from our AD and HC. I actually think it should be sold to recruits and show them pix and video of the sun Bowl packed like in 2000 and how this city will back a winning program. This has been really tough on Miner fans with both sports and I hope next year is a better year and then the following year we see our football team in a bowl and basketball team in the NCAA. Again I don't know if this Giant was ever not sleeping, but Damn It, It's Time to Wake Up!!!!

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Wow, the CBI

It's the second year in a row that no "power" conferences will touch it. The following participants all have losing records:

Coastal Carolina, Hampton, UIC, Loyola (MD), and Utah Valley.

It used to be that there would be one or two teams with losing records, and they were the "power" conference teams. With this kind of field, I'm not sure a CBI championship means anything at all.

The CIT will probably survive, since it's tailored for mid-majors and they only take teams with winning records. I'm not sure how many more seasons the CBI will survive. Well, as long as there is an abundance of 15-17 teams willing to pay to play, I guess it will limp along, but who wants to watch that?
