OT: Ominous Vibe

So forgiving student loans, nobody is paying them off, is a bad thing?
Giving down payment assistance is a bad thing?
Paying off medical debt is a bad thing?

I see you listed all those “bad” things, but what about tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires? Tax break for corporations? Continued, unnecessary military spending?

The national debt is $35 trillion. When is that going to be slashed? When are we going to start paying it back? It’s basically funny money at this point.

I would rather housing assistance go to Americans over anything for illegals. Wouldn’t you?

I’m pointing out why people are against helping people. There is a guy at my work that just got his student loans forgiven. He’d been paying on them for more than 10 years but he drives a $85000 truck. He was saying how some years he didn’t make a single student loan payment.

The school voucher program in Arizona is bankrupting the state because 70% of the people using vouchers already were paying for private school, now they get it free.

I was pointing out bad things but also pointing out that people don’t want to see social programs working for those who can afford not to be in social programs.

Also, it is funny money at this point but it’s also a driving force in inflation. The Government is pushing Trillions into the economy and we feel it. At some point it’s no longer going to be funny money.
I’m pointing out why people are against helping people. There is a guy at my work that just got his student loans forgiven. He’d been paying on them for more than 10 years but he drives a $85000 truck. He was saying how some years he didn’t make a single student loan payment.

The school voucher program in Arizona is bankrupting the state because 70% of the people using vouchers already were paying for private school, now they get it free.

I was pointing out bad things but also pointing out that people don’t want to see social programs working for those who can afford not to be in social programs.

Also, it is funny money at this point but it’s also a driving force in inflation. The Government is pushing Trillions into the economy and we feel it. At some point it’s no longer going to be funny money.
I don’t care about that program in Arizona. I don’t live there. Their problem, not mine.

Don’t you think it’s better for your co-worker to be able to purchase the $85,000 truck instead of paying to student loans?
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Kane, most of us on here don’t have a problem with giving people a helping hand. We do have a problem with people not taking personal responsibility. I worked my way through college, only taking the amount of classes I could afford. My parents were lower middle class so I do qualify for any financial help, to dumb for scholarships. So I worked, and 47 years later still working. I the hell should I be paying off others debts?
If you are serious about your beliefs, my daughter is a senior, should I expect you to pay for her college?
Back then, my parents were able to buy a decent house for $60K. Today, that amount barely covers the down payment on most homes in my area. It just goes to show how unfair life can be sometimes.

And if you think I’m exaggerating check this out.

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Kane, most of us on here don’t have a problem with giving people a helping hand. We do have a problem with people not taking personal responsibility. I worked my way through college, only taking the amount of classes I could afford. My parents were lower middle class so I do qualify for any financial help, to dumb for scholarships. So I worked, and 47 years later still working. I the hell should I be paying off others debts?
If you are serious about your beliefs, my daughter is a senior, should I expect you to pay for her college?
But you’re not paying off others debts. Just like you’re not paying for the airline bailout. The money is being “forgiven”, not being paid back by you. That’s just some lie you choose to believe. Your taxes haven’t increased by paying off those other things I mentioned above and won’t for loans being forgiven either.

I won’t be paying for her college. That is your family’s issue only. If in 2039, some other president decides to forgive more student loan debt, I won’t be paying for it then either.
some of you here are concerned about “personal responsibility”, but how many times has Trump filed for bankruptcy or some company he was associated with? That’s okay for someone to walk away from millions of dollars in debt, but some regular American getting 20k forgiven is like the worst thing to happen to you all year.
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When Biden introduced Student Loan Forgiveness the joke from the opposition was, what’s next, my house?

Sure enough, 4 years later 3 million home will be built and the Government will give you $25000.

I don’t think it’s good for the country as a whole for all of us to be part of the welfare system. The idea was for all of us to become educated and self sustainable so we wouldn’t have to depend on Government.

The idea was those that didn’t depend on Government would pay taxes to those that needed Government.

I don’t think the system works and I think it will fail if all of us depend on handouts.

My coworker has a household income of 190k a year but relies on the Government to pay debts he refuses to pay, to give him a down payment on a house, and to send his kids to private schools. That shouldn’t be the role of government
When Biden introduced Student Loan Forgiveness the joke from the opposition was, what’s next, my house?

Sure enough, 4 years later 3 million home will be built and the Government will give you $25000.

I don’t think it’s good for the country as a whole for all of us to be part of the welfare system. The idea was for all of us to become educated and self sustainable so we wouldn’t have to depend on Government.

The idea was those that didn’t depend on Government would pay taxes to those that needed Government.

I don’t think the system works and I think it will fail if all of us depend on handouts.

My coworker has a household income of 190k a year but relies on the Government to pay debts he refuses to pay, to give him a down payment on a house, and to send his kids to private schools. That shouldn’t be the role of government
If it makes you feel any better I’m not part of the welfare system.
That’s insane this guy makes 190k a year. Drives a 85k truck. Has his kids in private school and has never purchased a home. Wow lucky him he qualifies for the down payment program! Slipped through the cracks.
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When Biden introduced Student Loan Forgiveness the joke from the opposition was, what’s next, my house?

Sure enough, 4 years later 3 million home will be built and the Government will give you $25000.

I don’t think it’s good for the country as a whole for all of us to be part of the welfare system. The idea was for all of us to become educated and self sustainable so we wouldn’t have to depend on Government.

The idea was those that didn’t depend on Government would pay taxes to those that needed Government.

I don’t think the system works and I think it will fail if all of us depend on handouts.

My coworker has a household income of 190k a year but relies on the Government to pay debts he refuses to pay, to give him a down payment on a house, and to send his kids to private schools. That shouldn’t be the role of government
And then? You’re assuming this handout will even be passed.

How do you know so much about your co-workers personal finances? Have you seen his paycheck? Does he have child support or alimony you don’t know about? How do you know he would even qualify for this fantasy handout?
For anyone upset at student loan forgiveness, you should actually be upset about the following things:
The cost of most colleges
The high interest rates on the loans
The lack of education for potential borrowers on student loans
The ease of obtaining said loans
The way younger people have been “programmed” to believe all of them need college

Those are the real issues.
And then? You’re assuming this handout will even be passed.

How do you know so much about your co-workers personal finances? Have you seen his paycheck? Does he have child support or alimony you don’t know about? How do you know he would even qualify for this fantasy handout?

I know his salary because we work in Public schools and it’s posted, his wife works in our district too. He told me on the first day of school his student loans were paid off. We park next to each other in the mornings and walk in together and he volunteers this info. I get out of my 2004 Frontier and him in his 2023 Ford F250 Super Duty.

My point being, we both went to college and both have Masters Degrees. We both make good money. The system shouldn’t be designed to help him or myself. It should help the cafeteria worker and not the guy who makes poor decisions with money.
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For anyone upset at student loan forgiveness, you should actually be upset about the following things:
The cost of most colleges
The high interest rates on the loans
The lack of education for potential borrowers on student loans
The ease of obtaining said loans
The way younger people have been “programmed” to believe all of them need college

Those are the real issues.
Yeah. No one talks about how back then all four years of college were probably around 10k. Now it’s more than 10k a year.

As a matter of fact I’m pissed. I spent my first two/three years of my work life making the minimum wage of $5 something and now kids get to make at least $11.24hr and in some cities and states $20hr. I want the difference back!
I know his salary because we work in Public schools and it’s posted, his wife works in our district too. He told me on the first day of school his student loans were paid off. We park next to each other in the mornings and walk in together and he volunteers this info. I get out of my 2004 Frontier and him in his 2023 Ford F250 Super Duty.

My point being, we both went to college and both have Masters Degrees. We both make good money. The system shouldn’t be designed to help him or myself. It should help the cafeteria worker and not the guy who makes poor decisions with money.
That doesn’t mean he is being truthful. If you’re upset about your vehicle, then maybe you should take on extra work or over extend yourself. Maybe he’s living paycheck to paycheck and you’re not. Those are choices you make.

You’re making assumptions about the system. Why should you automatically believe the cafeteria worker should be helped? You’re assuming your co-worker does, maybe the cafeteria worker did too. Why does someone who makes poor life choices get a break, but not someone who makes poor money decisions?
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Yeah. No one talks about how back then all four years of college were probably around 10k. Now it’s more than 10k a year.

As a matter of fact I’m pissed. I spent my first two/three years of my work life making the minimum wage of $5 something and now kids get to make at least 7.25 and in some cities and states $20hr. I want the difference back!
Exactly. I bet Larry Bird is “mad” that he barely made any money in the NBA, while he sees turds like Chandler Parsons get paid big bucks and be 1/3 as talented. That’s just life.
Yeap. Joe Montana made around 85k a year and now he gets to see Dak make 40 million a year. Pinches Democrats.
Well Montana is worth 180 million.

I’ll always disagree on this. I believe that if the Government provides its citizens with everything they need then there is no incentive to do well and it will eventually collapse under its own weight.
Well Montana is worth 180 million.

I’ll always disagree on this. I believe that if the Government provides its citizens with everything they need then there is no incentive to do well and it will eventually collapse under its own weight.
I agree. Where’s the line though? How is it that we can break off money to Ukraine and other poors, but not our own poors? Or even our own struggling?
All this free money flying around and we still can't get our streets cleaned, maintained and protected in El Paso. SMH.

We all have a lot to say, but these political debates never get anywhere because of all the sarcastic banter and drama. Politics are all based on greed and blame and questioning everybody elses opinion, whether right or wrong. Most can never agree on any answers that make common sense for the majority. Most can never agree to come together and find reasonable solutions. Most forget the past because they are blind to anything unrelated to their present self.
All this free money flying around and we still can't get our streets cleaned, maintained and protected in El Paso. SMH.

We all have a lot to say, but these political debates never get anywhere because of all the sarcastic banter and drama. Politics are all based on greed and blame and questioning everybody elses opinion, whether right or wrong. Most can never agree on any answers that make common sense for the majority. Most can never agree to come together and find reasonable solutions. Most forget the past because they are blind to anything unrelated to their present self.
Yes, but people are to blame too. They will blindly believe whatever rhetoric they choose because they saw it on the internet or heard it from someone they think is reputable.

People think they are paying for some transgender guy’s liberal arts degree from Notre Dame. It’s simply not true. That is what they’ve been told or led to believe by other people trying to push their agenda.
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"Syphilis, long feared as “the great imitator,” has surged back into prominence in El Paso, where cases have risen at an alarming rate during the past five years.

The staggering 426% increase in syphilis cases since 2013 has become a pressing public health crisis for the city, which is grappling with the resurgence and consequences of a disease that is often undetected until it’s too late. Spiking after the pandemic, syphilis cases jumped from 297 cases in 2019 to 715 in 2023, according to data from the El Paso Department of Public Health."
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I always chuckle when conservatives say they hate when "people not taking personal responsibility" then are going to vote for the Orange POS. Talk about not taking personal responsibility...
President Donald Trump’s campaign committee has not paid at least 10 bills — totaling more than $841,000 — sent to it by municipal governments to cover public safety costs associated with Trump campaign rallies.
MunicipalityRally dateUnpaid billWhat government officials say
El Paso, TexasFeb. 11, 2019$470,417.05“I’m hopeful they’ll pay. I’m hopeful they’ll do what’s right. People that don’t pay their bills — that’s a character integrity issue.” — El Paso Mayor Dee Margo
Tucson, Ariz.May 19, 2016$81,837.00“In connection with these events, we will always provide the law enforcement and public safety support and response that is necessary to ensure the safety of the public. But [in the future] we intend to use revised agreements that identify certain costs that we expect the campaign to cover.” — Tucson Chief of Staff Lane Mandle
Spokane, Wash.May 7, 2016$65,124.69“I would expect anyone who is billed for police services to pay their fair share.” — Spokane City Council President Ben Stuckart … Police officials are attempting to collect payment from the Trump campaign and “councilmembers have urged them to be proactive in collecting that bill.” — Spokane City Councilmember Breean Beggs … “Let’s be honest, when does Trump ever pay his bills?” — Spokane City Council member Kate Burke
Mesa, Ariz.Oct. 19, 2018$64,467.56“It is our hope that the organization will do right by the taxpayers of Mesa and provide payment in a timely manner.” — Mesa Deputy City Manager Scott Butler
Eau Claire, Wis.Apr. 2, 2016$47,398.00
Billings, Mont.Sept. 6, 2018$42,811.00“The chief of police made an in-person request to Trump’s campaign manager for the Billings office for reimbursement. No payment received and no communication.” — Billings Police Chief Rich St. John
Erie, Pa.Oct. 10, 2018$35,129.27“We believed that the level of security that was required was costly and that it was reasonable for us to be reimbursed given the fact that it was a campaign rally, and the president was also here conducting a high-end fundraiser.” — Renée M. Lamis, chief of staff for Erie Mayor Joe Schember
Lebanon, OhioOct. 12, 2018$16,191.00“There’s a lot of benefit when a president comes here: economic benefits, more visibility for our community. It’s exciting and great for the community. But I would hope and believe the Trump campaign would pay its bills. It’s our taxpayer dollars.” — Lebanon Mayor Amy Brewer
Green Bay, Wis.Aug. 5, 2016$9,380.00“We appreciate, and we feel honored, when the candidates come to Green Bay. We are also very appreciative when they honor their debts.” — Celestine Jeffreys, chief of staff for Mayor Jim Schmitt
Burlington, Vt.Jan. 7, 2016$8,464.27“Mr. Trump’s failure to cooperate with local law enforcement officials and lack of communication with the public and ticketholders put undue strain on the City’s police, and unnecessarily hurt downtown businesses. Paying the invoice remains the right and honorable thing for Mr. Trump to do.” — Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger, in June 2016
Source: Center for Public Integrity interviews with municipal officials, municipal records and statements

...and they have the nerve to talk about personal responsibility. Not including all his other nefarious deeds like fraudulent charities, fraudulent college degrees (Trump University), and all his sexual scandals, but go on about personal responsibilities about student loans and medical bills.
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I always chuckle when conservatives say they hate when "people not taking personal responsibility" then are going to vote for the Orange POS. Talk about not taking personal responsibility...
President Donald Trump’s campaign committee has not paid at least 10 bills — totaling more than $841,000 — sent to it by municipal governments to cover public safety costs associated with Trump campaign rallies.
MunicipalityRally dateUnpaid billWhat government officials say
El Paso, TexasFeb. 11, 2019$470,417.05“I’m hopeful they’ll pay. I’m hopeful they’ll do what’s right. People that don’t pay their bills — that’s a character integrity issue.” — El Paso Mayor Dee Margo
Tucson, Ariz.May 19, 2016$81,837.00“In connection with these events, we will always provide the law enforcement and public safety support and response that is necessary to ensure the safety of the public. But [in the future] we intend to use revised agreements that identify certain costs that we expect the campaign to cover.” — Tucson Chief of Staff Lane Mandle
Spokane, Wash.May 7, 2016$65,124.69“I would expect anyone who is billed for police services to pay their fair share.” — Spokane City Council President Ben Stuckart … Police officials are attempting to collect payment from the Trump campaign and “councilmembers have urged them to be proactive in collecting that bill.” — Spokane City Councilmember Breean Beggs … “Let’s be honest, when does Trump ever pay his bills?” — Spokane City Council member Kate Burke
Mesa, Ariz.Oct. 19, 2018$64,467.56“It is our hope that the organization will do right by the taxpayers of Mesa and provide payment in a timely manner.” — Mesa Deputy City Manager Scott Butler
Eau Claire, Wis.Apr. 2, 2016$47,398.00
Billings, Mont.Sept. 6, 2018$42,811.00“The chief of police made an in-person request to Trump’s campaign manager for the Billings office for reimbursement. No payment received and no communication.” — Billings Police Chief Rich St. John
Erie, Pa.Oct. 10, 2018$35,129.27“We believed that the level of security that was required was costly and that it was reasonable for us to be reimbursed given the fact that it was a campaign rally, and the president was also here conducting a high-end fundraiser.” — Renée M. Lamis, chief of staff for Erie Mayor Joe Schember
Lebanon, OhioOct. 12, 2018$16,191.00“There’s a lot of benefit when a president comes here: economic benefits, more visibility for our community. It’s exciting and great for the community. But I would hope and believe the Trump campaign would pay its bills. It’s our taxpayer dollars.” — Lebanon Mayor Amy Brewer
Green Bay, Wis.Aug. 5, 2016$9,380.00“We appreciate, and we feel honored, when the candidates come to Green Bay. We are also very appreciative when they honor their debts.” — Celestine Jeffreys, chief of staff for Mayor Jim Schmitt
Burlington, Vt.Jan. 7, 2016$8,464.27“Mr. Trump’s failure to cooperate with local law enforcement officials and lack of communication with the public and ticketholders put undue strain on the City’s police, and unnecessarily hurt downtown businesses. Paying the invoice remains the right and honorable thing for Mr. Trump to do.” — Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger, in June 2016
Source: Center for Public Integrity interviews with municipal officials, municipal records and statements

...and they have the nerve to talk about personal responsibility. Not including all his other nefarious deeds like fraudulent charities, fraudulent college degrees (Trump University), and all his sexual scandals, but go on about personal responsibilities about student loans and medical bills.
Both parties are guilty of hypocrisy. Just a bunch of used car salesmen.
some of you here are concerned about “personal responsibility”, but how many times has Trump filed for bankruptcy or some company he was associated with? That’s okay for someone to walk away from millions of dollars in debt, but some regular American getting 20k forgiven is like the worst thing to happen to you all year.
Student loans can't be discharged through bankruptcy*. If you want to argue that they should, like other loans can be, that seems like a reasonable discussion to have.

*Unless you have crippling disability preventing you from work.
But you’re not paying off others debts. Just like you’re not paying for the airline bailout. The money is being “forgiven”, not being paid back by you. That’s just some lie you choose to believe. Your taxes haven’t increased by paying off those other things I mentioned above and won’t for loans being forgiven either.

I won’t be paying for her college. That is your family’s issue only. If in 2039, some other president decides to forgive more student loan debt, I won’t be paying for it then either.
The schools got paid. Who paid the schools?
The schools got paid. Who paid the schools?
Does that matter? You’re concerned about how UT, Michigan, and UCF got paid?

Again, if you’re not paying for the auto bailout, you’re not going to be paying for Skylar’s student loan to Loyola so they could major in French Lit.
Student loans can't be discharged through bankruptcy*. If you want to argue that they should, like other loans can be, that seems like a reasonable discussion to have.

*Unless you have crippling disability preventing you from work.
I never mentioned them being discharged through bankruptcy. Only that the people most upset about them are the ones that worship Donald Trump. You know, a guy that doesn’t exactly have a great record of paying people back.

It would make a lot of sense to discharge them through bankruptcy though. You can “walk away” from auto and mortgage loans though bankruptcy, but not student loans. Guess what? When you do, those debts aren’t added to anyone else’s bills.
You can’t keep the car or your house if you file bankruptcy. They add your past due payments on to the original loan. Or you give up the car or house.
Bottom line, forgiving peoples debts just puts the burden on others.
Somebody has to pay, nothing is free except your love or hatred. Love is the better of the two.
Just out of curiosity what do you do for a living? Do you get paid doing it? If someone borrows money from you, do you expect them to pay it back? Or do you forgive the loan.
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